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ERG Forum
Employee Resource Group


Every business says that their employees are their greatest assets. At the Asian American Business Development Center, we believe that Employee Resource Groups are an underutilized, unappreciated engine that can drive inclusivity, build stronger workplace relationships, and contribute unique insights to help companies succeed in an increasingly globalized, diverse world.


We know the power of ERGs because we have been engaging with them from a wide range of brands for the past few years. At a time when DEI is facing challenges, we believe that ERGs play an even more important role to bring cultural strengths and experiences to enhance business strategies.


2024 ERG Forum Series

In 2024, in partnership with China Institute in America, we are facilitating the ERG Forum along with committed corporate brands who are aiming to build the best equipped workforces.

Tuesday March 19

Wednesday May 22

Wednesday Aug 14

Wednesday Dec 4

Meet Ours Speakers

Our Sponsors

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