Governor Kathy Hochul today announced John Wang will be nominated to serve on the Empire State Development Board of Directors. Mr. Wang is the first Asian American to be nominated to the ESD board.
"New Yorkers deserve leadership that is qualified and committed to the work of the State," Governor Hochul said. "With his wealth of experience and passion for public service, John Wang will be an extraordinary addition for Empire State Development. I look forward to working with him as we continue to bring together the most diverse and knowledgeable leaders to solve the State's most pressing challenges and deliver for New Yorkers."
Empire State Development Acting Commissioner and President and CEO-designate Hope Knight said, "Under Governor Hochul's leadership, New York State is advancing a bold economic agenda that is catalyzing new investments and creating more opportunities for more New Yorkers. Our diversity as a state is our strength, and the nomination of Mr. Wang helps to reflect the diversity of New York and its economy. Mr. Wang's experience, insight and unique perspectives are an asset to the ESD Board, and I look forward to working with him as we launch aggressive new initiatives to create quality jobs and generate sustainable economic growth in communities throughout the state."

John Wang is the President of the Asian American Business Development Center (AABDC), which he founded in 1994. It is a nonprofit established to provide technical assistance to Asian American small businesses and a leading trade development organization which promotes business between the United States and Asia. Over the years, a major component of AABDC's work has expanded into the promotion and advocacy of Asian American executives, business leaders and entrepreneurs through the Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business Award which recognizes the achievement and contribution of Asian Americans in the general economy. Over 700 Asian Americans have been honored since 2001.
The mission of Empire State Development (ESD) is to promote a vigorous and growing state economy, encourage business investment and job creation, and support diverse, prosperous local economies across New York State through the efficient use of loans, grants, tax credits, real estate development, marketing and other forms of assistance.
To support the governor's economic development mission, ESD will help execute many priorities in the FY23 Budget such as:
$1.4B ConnectAll Initiative
$1B Small Business Rescue Plan
$350M Office of Strategic Workforce Development
$250M Restore NY
$200M Shovel Ready Investments (FAST NY)
As part of ESD's board of directors, John Wang will help to bring back a robust and prosperous economy for Asian-owned businesses and all of the amazing small businesses across the state. His experience in helping businesses in New York and abroad will help give Asian-owned small businesses the boost they need after a turbulent two years.